Citadelle des Morts Cinematic | Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Zombies
Call of Duty7.98JT Followers2113 Videos1.62M Jumlah video2024-11-27 PublishedTanggal Upload: 2024-12-01
Jumlah view video785.39RB
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call of dutycodactivisionCitadelle des Mortsblack ops 6cod black ops 6call of duty black ops 6zombiesblack ops 6 zombiesblack ops 6 zombies mapsCitadelle des Morts Cinematic
Following the events of Terminus, our crew follows the clues to a medieval castle in Avalon in search of a forgotten artifact and a man who should not be alive 🧟
Citadelle des Morts arrives in #BlackOps6 Zombies on December 5 💥
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