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I Got a Pet Leech (yes, really)
TerraGreen 800RB Followers 17 Videos 67.84JT Jumlah video 2024-11-23 PublishedTanggal Upload: 2024-11-25
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Perkiraan nilai video Rp 481.9JT - Rp 559JT
Persentase interaksi fans 3.29%
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leech blood sucking leech leeches terragreen pet terra green dr plants pet leech pet dinosaur pet alien weirdest pet
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The other day I saw a video where someone showed off a pet leech and literally let it suck their blood for 3 hours. I thought that sounded very weird so of course I had to buy a pet leech. So in this video I built a home, showed off everything about a pet leech, and literally let it suck on my arm... Watch to the end to see that.

If I used any of your copyrighted material in the video and you are not okay with it, please contact me on my business email found in my channel's description so we can reach an agreement.

Thanks for watching and please subscribe!

#leech #pet #aquarium