Jaan Nisar Ep 40 - [Eng Sub] - Digitally Presented by Happilac Paints - 3rd Aug 2024 - Har Pal Geo
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Jaan Nisar Episode 40 - [Eng Sub] - Digitally Presented by Happilac Paints - Danish Taimoor - Hiba Bukhari - Haroon Shahid - 3rd August 2024 - Har Pal Geo
Jaan Nisar Digitally Presented by Happilac Paints
7th Sky Entertainment’s mega project, Jaan Nisar, is the most awaited drama serial of the year. The highly anticipated project marks the return of the successful on-screen couple of Danish Taimoor and Hiba Bukhari in an unforgettable love story that will steal your heart.
Nosherwan Ghaznavi, a wealthy young man, faces a pivotal moment in his life after his brother's death. This tragedy burdens Nosherwan Ghaznavi with numerous responsibilities, which he reluctantly accepts, only to find them later proving detrimental. However, his life takes a transformative turn upon meeting Dua, falling in love with her at first sight, but it places him at a critical juncture with his responsibilities.
Dua, a beautiful girl from a humble background, is raised by her parents alongside her two sisters. Despite her innocence, fate subjects Dua to a string of misfortunes before encountering Nosherwan Ghaznavi. However, their meeting completely changes their lives.
Will Nowsherwan Ghaznavi find love? What challenges will he face in balancing his duties and his love for Dua? Will his responsibilities jeopardize his love for Dua? What past events have shaped Dua's life, and will they resurface to trouble her? Will Dua return Nowsherwan Ghaznavi’s love?
7th Sky Entertainment Presentation Producers: Abdullah Kadwani & Asad Qureshi Director: Mohsin Mirza Writer: Rehana Aftab
Cast: Danish Taimoor as Nosherwan Ghaznavi Hiba Bukhari as Dua Haroon Shahid as Faraz Sajid Hasan as Aslam Hina Bayat as Amma Saeein Mahmood Aslam as Baba Saeein Dania Enwer as Fiza Kinza Malik as Fehmida Hiba Ali as Kashmala Sajeeruddin Khalifa as Naseer Shazia Gohar as Kausar Humaira Bano as Zunaira Ellie Zaid as Sumbul Nain Sukh as Sania Mehboob Sultan as Jaffar Faiza Khan as Rumi Sarah Ali as Rida
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